Saturday, April 9, 2011 I lied.

Either because of laziness or cash flow issues, the 3G is still around for a little longer. The Hipstamatic World blog is a place for photos and thoughts that might not actually make it to the website or Facebook fanpage. Yesterday it was decided that I would be spending the afternoon walking around La Jolla with my girlfriend, giving me a chance to add to my Hipstamatic stock of photos. Eventually we eneded up at the La Jolla Childrens Pool to spend some time watching the seals. I really doubt any of these slumbering lazy tubs of beauty have any idea that their future on this beautiful strip of beach is currently being debated in the courts. You see, there is a small minority of people who think the beach should only be for the kids and that the seals should be forced to move somewhere else.
I can't even imagine the courts allowing this to happen, but it may happen. This would be a travesty. Human greed and selfishness forcing nature to move on. San Diego county has many places for children to enjoy. Why is this little piece so important to the childrens well being? Actually I would think the children have much more to gain by having a chance to witness such wild beauty right before their eyes. Even if the wild beauty spends most of day sleeping, scratching, pooping and farting.
The current state of the La Jolla Childrens Pool should be left to the seals. Kicking them to the ocean's curb is wrong. Hopefully you can share some of the beauty through these photos.

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